Sunday, May 4, 2008

Saying goodbye...

I guess the music has gotten too loud! How can I say goodbye? Not easily. I've so enjoyed my time spent at FKHS. I've had the pleasure of working with some wonderful young people who have become and will become responsible, productive. and caring adults. My hope is that the students I've had in band the past thirty years will have fond memories of band being one of the highlights of their high school years.

Thank you to the school district for constantly supporting the band program. Thank you to the Band Boosters for going above and beyond to support the band. Thank you to all my colleagues who held my hand before each competition and State Music Festival (which, by the way, never got any easier), and thank you to the many talented and kind students who have graced my life and touched my heart. For all of you I wish the very best of everything.


Seniors need to have their uniforms checked in the week of May 5. All other students need to follow suit. Remind each other. You don't want to get a huge bill from the school this summer!


The last performances of this school year are:

May 13 - Spring Concert at 7:00 pm in the FKHS Auditorium
May 15 - Graduation at 7:00 pm in the FKHS Gymnasium

Both performances are in concert dress: all black or black and white