Monday, November 19, 2007


Steve Eck, our genius photographer, took some incredible pictures of the band at Neewollah. Here are a few. Hopefully, soon, we'll have a complete photo gallery of Steve's photographs on the FKHS Band page. There are multiple pictures of every single Golden Tornado Band student. Steve, you da bomb!!!

Thursday, November 15, 2007

Stage Band Basketball Performance Schedule

The Stage Band will perform at all home basketball games. Stage Band shirts and black slacks will be worn to all performances. The Stage Band plays for the girl's half-time, between the girls and boys games and at boy's half-time. Band members meet in the band room at 6:15 pm to warm up and tune up before going to the gym.

December 7
December 14
January 8
January 17, 18, 19 Interstate Classic
January 22
February 1
February 8
February 12
February 19
March 1-5 Sub State if qualified

Christmas Parade Woes

The Chamber of Commerce decided to have a night Christmas parade December 7th. Sadly, that is the same evening as the first home basketball game. The band will not be able to participate in the Christmas parade this year. Hopefully, next year the Chamber will check the high school activities calendar when scheduling the Christmas parade.

Saturday, October 27, 2007


The band received a I rating in the Neewollah Parade Competition and a II rating in the Neewollah Field Show Competition. Rock on, 'Nado Band! Play that funky music!!

Friday, October 19, 2007

Neewollah Information

Neewollah is Saturday, October 27. Busses will be leaving Field Kindley High School at 9:00 am. The Golden Tornado Band is the 66th entry in the parade and the field show performance time is 2:54 pm. Friends and family who are attending the field show competition should arrive earlier for better seating, parking, and the possibility the band may perform earlier if there are cancellations.
Students are reminded to bring money for lunch and a note from parents if not riding home on the bus. Students are not allowed to ride home with anyone other than their own parents. The busses should be returning home around 4:30 pm.
A lot of hard work has gone into preparing for this competition and we hope to see all the friends and families of band members cheering for them in the audience.

Friday, October 5, 2007

Music Marking Instructions for You Dropped A Bomb On Me

These are the instructions for marking the "You Dropped A Bomb On Me" music:

Measures 1-10/40 counts
All - Hold 8 (2 measures), float 32 (8 measures)

Measures 11-26/64 counts
Trumpet/horn - hold 64 (16 measures)
All others - float 32 (8 measures), hold 32 (8 measures)

Measures 27-44/72 counts
All - float 24 (6 measures), hold 48 (12 measures)

Measures 45-56/48 counts
All - float 32 (8 measures), hold 16 to end

Monday, September 24, 2007

Extra 7:15 am Rehearsals and Windsor Place Performance

There will be 7:15 am rehearsals September 25 and September 27 to prepare Stick Schtick for the Homecoming game. Students are reminded to bring the necessary equipment for performing Stick Schtick to rehearsal.
A reminder: The band will be performing at Windsor Place Thursday evening, September 27 for a Homecoming pep assembly. The assembly starts at 6:00 pm and band students need to be ready to play at 5:45 pm. The assembly will last approximately half an hour. Dress will be: Band shirt and blue jeans.
Friday's Homecoming game will be in full uniform including gloves. Students are reminded to pick up their uniforms in the band room Wednesday after school.

Thursday, September 6, 2007

Early Morning Rehearsals

Early morning (7:00am) rehearsals will begin September 11th and continue every Gold day until further notice. All students are expected to attend early morning practice. Extra rehearsal time is absolutely necessary for you to learn the field show by October 27. With the block scheduling and not meeting daily, there is not enough time to learn the field show before the Neewollah Field Show Competition. So, set your alarm clocks a bit earlier, grab your coffee mug, orange juice, or whatever, and we'll see you on the field at 7:00 am September 11.

Friday, August 10, 2007

Wednesday, August 8, 2007

Fall 2007 Performance Schedule

The following is a list of required Fall semester performances. Report time for all football games is 6:15 pm at Veteran's Stadium (unless otherwise noted).
August 31
September 7
September 14
September 27 Homecoming pep assembly at Windsor Place (6:00 pm)
September 28 Homecoming
October 12 Parents night
October 27 Neewollah Grand Parade and Field Show competition (all day)
November 3 District Band auditions for those who wish to audition for District Band
December 2 Coffeyville Christmas Parade time to be announced
December 17 FKHS Band and Choir Christmas Concert 7:00 pm FKHS Auditorium

Sunday, August 5, 2007


August 6 - 10
8:00 a.m.- 12:30 p.m.
Fee collection 7:30-8:00
Field marching/fundamentals 8:00-9:20
Water break 9:20-9:35
Sectionals 9:35-10:55
Snack 10:55-11:10
Full Band rehearsal 11:10-12:30
Dismissal 12:30
Senior/Freshman fees Monday August 6 beginning 7:30 a.m.
Junior/Sophomore fees Tuesday August 7 beginning 7:30 a.m.
Wed/Thur. Aug 8 & 9 Late fees

Friday, August 3, 2007

Listen to the Music!

David Northup was kind enough to put your field show music on youtube. You can either go to youtube and search for "nadoband" or you can use the links for the tunes right here. These mp3 recordings are available for you to download for practice at home. Practicing at home is highly encouraged around here.

Monday, July 16, 2007

All the pictures on this blog...

A very special thank you goes to Steve Eck for all the pictures you see on this page. Steve took tons of terrific pictures for me to post on my page in the website. Unfortunately, editing problems prevented me from uploading any of them. Now, with the creation of this blog, there is a place to showcase some of Steve's excellent photography skills.
Hopefully, Steve will continue to take pictures again this year for us to see here! Thanks, Steve!

Wednesday, June 6, 2007

There was this one band camp...

Band Camp
The last week of July and the first week of August are dates to keep in mind because of band camp. Band camp gives students the opportunity to get a head-start on marching season as well as preparing for the Interstate Rodeo Parade. The key dates to remember are:
Percussion Clinic: July 31 to August 3 10:00am to 3:00 pm
Freshman Marching Fundamentals: August 2-3 8:00 am to 9:30 am
Band Camp: August 6 to August 10 8:00 am to 12:30 pm
Please note the change in times for band camp. Since the rodeo parade has been cancelled our last minute preparation for the parade isn't necessary.
Uniform checkout: Seniors and Juniors will check out band uniforms Monday evening (August 6) at 6:00 pm. Sophomores will check out uniforms Tuesday evening (August 7) at 6:00 pm. Freshmen will check out uniforms Wednesday evening (August 8) at 6:00 pm. A special note to Freshmen: checking out uniforms for the first time is very time consuming. Each of you has to be fitted to a uniform which means some trial and error. Please be prepared to spend some time waiting your turn. We do this as quickly as possible, but, it still takes time.
All need to remember the $7.00 uniform cleaning fee is due when you check out your uniform

It's not as bad as this suggests...

Progress in picking show music is complete. The show will be funk tunes from the 70's and 80's. Mp3 downloads will be available here as soon as the person making this blog figures out how to do it. Hello? Mrs.O, the computer illiterate, I'm speaking to you!